Pharmacokinetics DiY part 4 (effect compartment control)

The incentive of these pharmacokinetic DiY blogs was to give colleagues that have an interest in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics a relative simple tool  to use published pk/pd models and make simulations that can be used to deepen the understanding of the tools like TCI that we use in daily…

Pharmacokinetics DiY part 3 (+Pharmacodynamics)

In part 1 I have explained how a relative simple spreadsheet can produce the concentration of an intravenous drug dose with given pharmacokinetic parameters that describe a 2 or 3 compartment model. In part 2, target controlled infusion(TCI)  for blood control has been introduced together with a method to…

A reflection on the effect site

Last week I was at the dentist needing a minor procedure that involved having a local anaesthetic. As the I was sitting in the dental chair receiving the injection and experiencing the numbness spreading, I was thinking about the effect site. The concept of the effect site was first described…

Pharmocokinetics DiY part 2

In the pharmacokineticsDiY part 1 the numerical approach of pharmacokinetic calculations was explained. Using relative simple formulas implemented in a spreadsheet the concentrations of a drug could be calculated following variable drug input protocols. The Eleveld model for propofol was used. This was not without a reason. Douglas Eleveld and…

Pharmacokinetics DiY

part 1:building and verifying the spreadsheet This blog is about pharmacokinetics: Do It Yourself. Only a bit of knowledge of using spreadsheets is required. If you read publications on pharmacokinetics you will have noticed that the model parameters are usually presented in two different notations: clearances V1,V2,V3,…

A message from the chairman

My name is Stefan Schraag. Since 2008 I have been chairing the Board of EuroSIVA, a handpicked selection of experts in the field of clinical pharmacology, research and monitoring. Together, we have achieved to establish a team of expertise in many areas of intravenous anaesthesia and target-controlled infusion (TCI). Over…

What to expect: the pre-blog

Using my prerogative as webmaster I open this blog  to inform you on the purpose and features of the blog. In the Eurosiva-blog the individual board members will write what keeps them busy or what they think is interesting for IV and not so IV enthusiast colleagues. We plan to…